Wednesday, May 25, 2016


                     Hello, and welcome to my blog! Today I will be telling you about testing. Testing is when you are in a certain grade and your parents want to know how you are doing in it. I am in 5th grade and my mom wants to make sure I am ready for 6th grade by making me take a certain test on Tuesday and today. I took a test yesterday, so I am going to finish it up today! I know, its a very LONG test.

                  So, the start of the test begins with Reading Vocabulary. It is easier than anything else in the book. Basically, there is a curtain word on the paragraph that is wrong. You circle one of the 4 answers on the test. If you get it right, well, you know, you get a good grade on the test. 

               The next thing on the test is Reading Comprehension. You read this story and you circle one of the 4 answers of the question after the story. It normally asks you questions about the story. It was also REALLY easy. 

             The next thing we have is Language. (now, please don't get mad at me for forgetting how language works) Now, I kind of forgot how language works but the questions and answers are just like every other subject. 

                After that, we have Math! Now, yesterday we weren't aloud to use calculators on the section, but this time we are aloud to use a calculator for today's Math! We had to do like every normal Math problem there is, but only 32 of the Math problems we had to do. We did word problems, add, subtract, multiply, and divide. If you don't know what word problems are then I will tell you. 

                   Lets say I have 5 apples. I lose 2 apples. How many do I have left? I explained the problem instead of just writing the problem down on numbers. 5 - 2 versus five minus two. Well, That's TESTING! Bye 

P.S Sorry I didn't write in Rainbow! 

Monday, May 23, 2016



     So let me show you my new schedule for the summer!

S                                 M                                       T                                  W                                             
Sunday.) MSM, play with friends, free day, play mc
Monday.) Also free day, dance
Tuesday.) ALSO free day, same as Sunday
Wednesday.)Also Free day, same as Sun, Tues.
Thursday.) Free day same as Sun, Tues, Wed.
Friday.) free day, same as Sun. and the rest
Saturday.) Free day, Church



5th grade 2.0


I am going to write about my year in 5th grade! Welcome to 5th grade 2.0........
So, it all started when I saw my friends! I met a new girl named Brinley and Wyatt, her brother. 
I used to not know this girl that now is my BEST friend (besides Andie kay, Samantha, Brinley, Berit and etc.) Her name is Hyleigh!   

            She is Funny, pretty, and a pretty good player in Minecraft (mind you). But anyways, back to fifth grade. I got straight A's throughout every quarter! It was really fun. But, I kinda made one BIG mistake towards the last quarter of the school year.

                    I forgot to study spanish for 1 week and my A turned into an F! but, I then made up for it by studying and studying and studying and STUDYING until I got an A. I also made some pretty funny memories. So, I was eating my lunch at, well, Lunch! I then realized that all my foods were organic.

                       My friend, Collin, has a milk and egg allergy and is always on a diet. So he normally eats organic foods. So I blurted out to Collin about MY organic foods. "Hey Collin! Guess what I have?" I asked him. "What?" "I have an organic apple, an organic sandwich, and an organic thing of yogurt! HAHA!" So then we kinda made up this joke, whenever we have an organic thing, we always try to beat the other person and see who has the most organic items. 

                       I think Collin always had the most organic items. I also have another funny memory in 5th grade. My class and I were all dissecting a cow eye one day. And as I went to pull some weird thing out of the cow eye, it dropped in my lap! I had a moment of disgust. Then I quickly put it back on the table. I never wore those pants again, hahaha! Well, I have 1 more color to write on. PURPLE. But what should I write about? Hmmmmmm, OH YEA! 

                                                            Race for Education

                         Race for Education is a race we do too earn money for the school. We run half a mile (= to 1 lap) over and over again. But, since it rained the day we did it, we had to do it inside. It was so much easier. I ran like 40 laps. Then, we also had Field day inside. You probably know what field day is! (its a bunch of fun activities and games outside) We did small games inside. it was super fun. A lot more fun then RFE (Race for education) Well, thats my 5th grade 2.0! Byeeee