Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Note to Andie Kay

Hello. Have I ever mentioned my friend named Andie Kay. Well today she sent me a letter just saying " hi" I thought it was pretty funny. So i don't know how to send you a letter back so I am going to do it right now. Andie kay please read this. Dear, Andie kay. Thank you for your letter it was very funny. All it said was " Hi my mom told me to send you a note so I did and I am going to say hi, hi." And I think it is very interesting. Oh and bring pookie to school. Someone special wants to see him. Love, macy

Monday, February 24, 2014


Hello again. FINALLY! that stupid COMPUTER!!! it finally went off. Well two seconds ago The computer was talking to me. And it sounded super weird but when I went to system preferences it said two things. 1 was chat button on. The second was chat button off. but there was a check on button 1 and so I turned it off which NOW THERE WILL BE PEACE!!!!! Cause when there's a will there's a way.

The Dumb computer voice

Hello. Today when I woke up which is very early, I went on the computer. But now the computer is speaking to me. It's like man Siri. but it is saying in a robot voice " safari gymnast919.blogger. Create post. The Dumb C O M P U T E R! it is annoying. It is so annoying that I have to end this post.

                                                      THE END!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Printing and Life

Hello. Today I did a Story. I did chapter two of the story. But It kin've had trouble printing. It said the printer was offline, and I did not get that. Wait, wait yep I know what the problem is, I didn't hook up the printer. And that would be easy if I did. Because All you have to do is put these cords on the computer. And then the Printer is hooked up. Well that means I'am dumb because I didn't think of that before. Well This is talking about life. Guess what, Reagan which her blog is something creative she is my sister. And that means I have the same cat's Ollie and Simon oh and my dog Bishop. I have a fun family and a long family there's Myla, Gigi, Jordan, Silas, Barret, Ellery, Ben, and Caleb. then there's my mom's side. which my only cousin is Navy. And so I am not going to mention the aunt's, uncle's, grandma's, and grandpa's. Bye Bye

Friday, February 7, 2014


Hello today I am doing homeschool. And I am doing great on actual school. I get like 9 A+'s and
I get like 1 A's. Isn't that awesome. I think when I get a job I am going to show the job boss how I am an A student. He'll be amazed it all my hard work don't ya think. Well I just can't help it. Sorry but I think I am doing pretty good. Now I think, here me I think I am doing pretty good I MEAN I CAN'T HELP IT!!! Sorry if I yelled a bit I am pretty wild. Well maybe I think I am going to be an A- student or a B- or a B+  I am going to say Bye bye so byee

Monday, February 3, 2014

Homeschool day

Ah shoot. todays a homeschool day and I do not like homeschool that much.

1. you have to do math which is very complicated.

2. you have to do a lot of writing. and writing makes my hand hurt.

3. you have to do spelling which is difficult, very difficult.

4. you have to do history which means you have to READ!

5. you have to do science but I like science and spelling I just didn't say it.

But there are some good things about homeschool. I LOVE HOMESCHOOL!!!
homeschool does do all of the things above but I am still thankful that we even have it. and I also like school because you get to see your friends.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dissection day

Good morning folks and welcome to Macy's blog. Today I will be telling you about dissection day.
About two day's ago me and my class at school had to dissect a mouse. Isn't that yucky. We pulled out the heart and cut the head and tail off it wasn't as fun as you think it was. My sister Reagan sat in the hall the hole time watching everybody gag. Even I gaged because there was juice squirting out of the mouse's
lungs. AND!!! my class took apart the mouses ears I felt bad for that little mousy poo. AND!!!! they ripped the head off I thought I was gonna explode when I saw that. Then they pulled out the intesten's or however you spell it that was the worst thing i ever saw in my life. Next we are dissecting a pigs heart, then a cows eye, and THEN we are going to make candy cells blugh isn't that disgusting. Well
I hoped you liked that story and didn't get grossed out. Bye